Thursday, December 13, 2012

Avast Me Hearties!

My sweet nephew Donaven is turning THREE! :)

Right now he's really into Jake and the Neverland Pirates- but even more than that, he LOVES Captain Hook! So for his birthday, his mommy organized for him a pirate party. They dug for treasure, they went on a treasure hunt around the house, we wore pirate hats and eye patches- the whole nine yards.

And not very often am I really proud of one of my creations- but this one I have to say, is pretty rad.

It was surrounded by sand and "Go-daboon". I asked DJ if he wanted one- so I let him pick one out. I asked him if he was going to eat it and he looked at me like I was weird- but went to put it in his mouth. I explained I had to take the wrapper off- so I just tore at a little side of it. He about passed out when he saw was I was doing. His eyes got big and he grinned and said "CHOCOLATE!?" The next day he found a gold dabloon under the couch and tried to eat it. He was pretty bummed when he realized that one was plastic.

It's a new technique I learned on Pinterest. It's all hand piped butter cream. The cake is just a regular old chocolate cake- but it was my families first real time tasting my new frosting. Cake normally does not disappear in our house- but everyone was saying it was the best tasting cake I've ever made- and almost everyone asked for seconds. There were not leftovers.

Ahhh pride.

The next day I made a cupcake tower for my sister and sister in law's birthdays... those did not get eaten. Same frosting- but my family is biased. They only wanted chocolate. Lame.

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